What is the timed treasure cave in desert - Act 2?

Solution 1:

It's a random event that has a chance of occurring in any game you make

I ran into it once and also failed. I'm fairly sure you have to either be pretty lucky in going the right direction, or flat out run through the place, ignoring the mobs.

We ran through the entire thing, but paused for a few seconds here or there to kill mobs when we accumulated to many. After a few dead ends we found the final room with the teleporter in it, but ran out of time right when we entered the it.

Solution 2:

Its a random event. Crumbling Vault to be exact. I've only done it once successfully and it was with a monk on Hardcore, Nightmare Difficulty.

The best way to do it is with two people. One person enters it and stays just within the entrance. The other person rushes through to the treasure room. After the second player collects all the treasure, TP to town and than port to Player 1 just within the dungeon. As long as you both don't wipe you will be able to enter and clear the area. This is good for two reasons.

  1. The treasure room has a lot of goodies in it, but once you enter it, you can not get back to the original area.
  2. Because you had a player waiting just in the entrance, you can port, and clear the whole dungeon. There is a lot of elite packs in dungeon along with Treasure Goblins which occasionally drop well.

Doing it this way gives you the best of both worlds :)

Solution 3:

in Diablo 3 Every time you enter a game, the game create a random map. Inside this map, have some dungeons, but those dungeons may be available or not, because they are also random.

Some caves have even random mobs inside.

A link that you can follow is Where are all the random dungeons? there is a HUGE list of dungeons.

The dungeon that you are probably talking about is

Stinging Winds

The Crumbling Vault (and Vault Treasure Room)

Solution 4:

You need to run rather quick and have some sort of shield on. I'm a level 44 Wizard, turned on my diamond armor and ran through it. I made it the first time with 1 second left. You do not have time to kill enemies, simply run as fast as you can.

Solution 5:

If it helps, it seems to spawn in the area between khasim outpost and road to alcarnus, with a tendency to spawn wery near to where you enter the area from khasim outpost.