Solution 1:

Problem description

From the documentation we see two different lines with the group() function

group(controlsConfig: { [key: string]: any; }, options?: AbstractControlOptions): FormGroup


group(controlsConfig: { [key: string]: any; }, options: { [key: string]: any; }): FormGroup

The 2nd definition is what is deprecated

The difference in this lines is options?: AbstractControlOptions and options: { [key: string]: any; }

To understand why angular is throwing this error we will now consider AbstractControlOptions

interface AbstractControlOptions {
  validators?: ValidatorFn | ValidatorFn[] | null
  asyncValidators?: AsyncValidatorFn | AsyncValidatorFn[] | null
  updateOn?: 'change' | 'blur' | 'submit'

We continue to breakdown the problem by noting that the difference between this structure and your structure is ValidatorFn[]

interface ValidatorFn {
  (control: AbstractControl): ValidationErrors | null

Overally, the error is thrown in your case because your Validator function is expected to take a control and return ValidationErrors | null. In the line validate(control: AbstractControl): void, your code actually returns void but expected to return a ValidationError | null


From the problem description, the solution is to simply modify the ValidatorFn

Ensure that your ValidatorFn returns a ValidationError or if no error returns null From ValidationErrors defination

type ValidationErrors = {
    [key: string]: any;

You will need to return a key value pair object e.g {required_if: true}

We can change your code by adding return statements as expected

class ValidateThirdNumber {
  static validate(control: AbstractControl): ValidationErrors | null {
      if (control) {
      const isMultiFlavor = control.get('isMultiFlavor')?.value;
      const ingredientFlavor = control.get('ingredientFlavor')?.value;
      const ingredientBrand = control.get('ingredientBrand')?.value;
      const ingredientName = control.get('ingredientName')?.value;
      if (isMultiFlavor && ingredientFlavor.trim().length === 0) {
        control.get('ingredientFlavor')?.setErrors({required_if: true});
        return ({required_if: true});
      } else {
      if (!ingredientFlavor && !ingredientBrand && !ingredientName) {
        control.get('ingredientName')?.setErrors({required_at_least: true});
        control.get('ingredientFlavor')?.setErrors({required_at_least: true});
        control.get('ingredientBrand')?.setErrors({required_at_least: true});
        return ({required_at_least: true});
      } else {
      if (ingredientBrand && ingredientName && ingredientName === ingredientBrand) {
        control.get('ingredientName')?.setErrors({not_the_same: true});
        control.get('ingredientBrand')?.setErrors({not_the_same: true});
        return ({not_the_same: true});
    return null;

Solution 2:

I also receive same error, I make following changes.

  • make sure that your validator function signature matches like this. (A function that receives a control and synchronously returns a map of validation errors if present, otherwise null.)

    • function Your_Function_Name(ObjectName: AbstractControl): ValidationErrors | null { }
  • and you can change code in the form builder like this.

    • const formOptions: AbstractControlOptions = { validators: Your_Function_Name };
  • and in the formbuilder object pass above formOptions object like this

    • this.formObject ={ fullName: ['', [Validators.required]] }, formOptions);