How do I access the children of an ItemsControl?

If i have a component derived from ItemsControl, can I access a collection of it's children so that I can loop through them to perform certain actions? I can't seem to find any easy way at the moment.

Solution 1:

A solution similar to Seb's but probably with better performance :

for(int i = 0; i < itemsControl.Items.Count; i++)
    UIElement uiElement =

Solution 2:

See if this helps you out:

foreach(var item in itemsControl.Items)
    UIElement uiElement =

There is a difference between logical items in a control and an UIElement.

Solution 3:

To identify ItemsControl's databound child controls (like a ToggleButton), you can use this:

for (int i = 0; i < yourItemsControl.Items.Count; i++)

    ContentPresenter c = (ContentPresenter)yourItemsControl.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(yourItemsControl.Items[i]);
    ToggleButton tb = c.ContentTemplate.FindName("btnYourButtonName", c) as ToggleButton;

    if (tb.IsChecked.Value)
        //do stuff
