Smooth scrolling when clicking Anchor Link

I am working on a WordPress website that a client came to me with. He is requesting that all scroll speeds for anchors links match.

If you go to the home page here: and click on Learn More under LET THE ADVENTURE BEGIN. The page scrolls down to the next section nicely.

Now if I click on Write Review next to the stars in a product ( it just jumps to the bottom instantly. The client wants the scroll for the first link.

First, how to I change the scroll speed?

Second, will it even work? The reviews come from a third party called Yotpo. Is it possible to change the scroll speed on this link that is embedded from third party software?

you can add in css a general scroll behavior for the entire website to scroll smoothly like:

* {
  scroll-behavior: smooth;

You can use smooth scroll behavior. It's enable smooth scrolling for the whole page.

html {
  scroll-behavior: smooth;