Remove all unused resources from an android project

I want to remove all unused layouts, strings, drawables, colors, etc from my Android res directory. Are there any tools that will give me a list of files and I can remove from my repository and elements within specifics files (e.g. unused string entries) that are no longer used?

Solution 1:

You can easily search for unused resources from Android Studio. Just press CtrlAltShifti and type "unused resources" (without quotes). That will execute lint. Super easy way to run lint commands (and other stuff from IDE).


In Android Studio Menu > Refactor > Remove Unused Resources...

Select the resources you want to remove. You can exclude resources you want to keep by right-clicking on the resource item.

Use Do Refactor to remove all Resources at once.

Update: use OptionShifti for mac

Solution 2:

Since ADT 16 you can use Android Lint. It is really amazing tool.

Android Lint is a new tool for ADT 16 (and Tools 16) which scans Android project sources for potential bugs.

Here are some examples of the types of errors that it looks for:

  • Missing translations (and unused translations)
  • Layout performance problems (all the issues the old layoutopt tool used to find, and more)
  • Unused resources
  • Inconsistent array sizes (when arrays are defined in multiple configurations)
  • Accessibility and internationalization problems (hardcoded strings, missing contentDescription, etc)
  • Icon problems (like missing densities, duplicate icons, wrong sizes, etc)
  • Usability problems (like not specifying an input type on a text field)
  • Manifest errors and many more.

However, it has some issues (don't know if they're already fixed) and if you want to delete hundreds of supposedly unused resources I'd recommend to manually compile project several times during resource removing to be sure that Lint didn't remove something needed.