Heroku: How to push different local Git branches to Heroku/master

See https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/git#deploying-code

$ git push heroku yourbranch:master

When using a wildcard, it had to be present on both sides of the refspec, so +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/master will not work. But you can use +HEAD:refs/heads/master:

git config remote.heroku.push +HEAD:refs/heads/master

Also, you can do this directly with git push:

git push heroku +HEAD:master
git push -f heroku HEAD:master

git push -f heroku local_branch_name:master

For me, it works,

git push -f heroku otherBranch:master

The -f (force flag) is recommended in order to avoid conflicts with other developers’ pushes. Since you are not using Git for your revision control, but as a transport only, using the force flag is a reasonable practice.

source :- offical docs

The safest command to push different local Git branches to Heroku/master.

git push -f heroku branch_name:master

Note: Although, you can push without using the -f, the -f (force flag) is recommended in order to avoid conflicts with other developers’ pushes.