Is it possible to remap special keys on a Windows keyboard for use with Mac OSX?

So I bought a new keyboard for my Mac Pro, and it is the Microsoft Sidewinder X4. This keyboard is good for me because of it's LED backlighting and lots of features. However, upon installation, it seems that most of the nice features are dead on OSX.

In particular, the keyboard has macro keys that can be set using a "record macro" button. It also has a calculator key. The software that comes with the keyboard is the generic Microsoft IntelliType for Windows/OSX, and I installed it. However, these special keys are still dead.

Is there anyway to still utilize these keys? Even if I just had to remap the macro keys by hand to custom key-strokes, that would be fine, but I can't find a way. I tried using KeyRemap4MacBook, but it only allows remapping of OSX keys (not calculator, extra macro keys, or any keys that aren't found on an apple keyboard). Even the calculator key doesn't do anything, and I would even be happy to remap it to 'expose' or something, anything except a dead key!

Solution 1:

You might have a look at Ukelele and KeyLayoutMaker, to see if they can help map these non-Mac keys.

BetterTouchTool customizes non-Apple keyboards, trackpad, Magic mouse and Apple remotes.

For USB keyboards, another tool is USB Overdrive, described as :

The USB Overdrive includes support for media buttons on most USB keyboards and talks to many unusual input devices.

For wireless keyboards, the Logitech Control Center might work even for non-Logitech keyboards. See this answer for details. It might be worthwhile trying even for your keyboard.

You might also find useful the information in Using Third Party Keyboards and Mice with Your Mac.

Solution 2:


  1. In System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Modifier Keys you can swap these two keys. These modifications should have an effect on the current keyboard.
  2. Double Command is a PrefPane that offers many options for using Windows-keyboards, but it has not been updated for a while.
  3. Karabiner (previously known as KeyRemap4MacBook) supports many kinds of key remaps for different Macbook models, but I'm unsure whether it fits your use case.