Is there a global shortcut for creating strikethrough text?

This is what I did to make this globally available:

I have a folder for stuff I install locally in my user account called ~/.local/bin, but you don't have to put this there, you can put it wherever is most convenient. This only affects my login.

1st Step

Install xsel to enable manipulation of clipboard contents:

sudo apt install xsel`

2nd Step

Create a bash script to add strikethrough to copied text. I call mine ''. You can comment out one of the two lines by putting a # character in front of the line starting with xsel:

#! /bin/sh
# affects only highight/middle click
xsel --primary | sed $"s/./&\xCC\xB6/g" | xsel --primary

# affects only clipboard text (ctrl-c/ctrl-x and ctrl-v)
xsel --clipboard | sed $"s/./&\xCC\xB6/g" | xsel --clipboard`

3rd Step

Create a keyboard shortcut that executes the script. I use "Ctrl-Shift-x". If you're unfamiliar with how to do this, check out How to add keyboard shortcuts?.

Last Step

Use it whenever you need strikethrough text! Cut/Copy your text as normal, press your keyboard shortcut, then paste as normal -- V̶i̶o̶l̶a̶ Voilà!


CommandLineFu - Add strikethrough to text

AskUbuntu - A command-line clipboard copy and paste utility