How do I overlay two histograms in Excel?

Solution 1:

Another option is to use the Histogram option of the Analysis Toolpak.

  1. Make sure the toolpak is enabled (if not, go to Files|Options|Add-ins)
  2. Split your data into columns (one for your '0' points and one for '1') points
  3. Create bins in another column (Excel will do this automatically but you need to be sure both series have the same bins)
  4. Go to Data|Data Analysis|Histogram
  5. Select your '0' points and the bins, then put the output on a 'new worksheet ply'
  6. Repeat for the '1'
  7. Combine those two tables and plot the result

Input Data Output chart

Solution 2:

Apparently (in Excel 2016), using a histogram doesn't seem to be possible with multiple series.

However, you can obtain the same result with a bar chart. It requires a bit more work, but it's fairly easy to do! Here is what I did.

  1. Create a "Category" table (orange), that will put the values into different ranges.
  2. Make sure the first column is a unique ID.
  3. The Max and Min columns can be filled manually, or automatically with a formula. Just make sure that there is a -9999 and +9999 (or any other big value) as the "lowest min" and the "highest max".
  4. In your data table, add the following formula (provided the orange table is named Category):

    =VLOOKUP(SUMPRODUCT(([@Value]>=Category[Min])*([@Value]<Category[Max])*(Category[Category ID])),Category,4)
  5. Insert a pivot table (values: count of your lines) and pivot chart as shown below:

Pivot structure