Invert scrolling on Windows Bootcamp

Solution 1:

From user3669959's linked answer:

  1. Open the Mouse settings in the Control Panel
  2. Click on the Hardware tab, "HID-compliant device", Properties
  3. Click on the Details tab
  4. Choose Device Instance Path in the Property drop down menu
  5. Note the VID value
  6. Run regedit
  7. Edit HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\HID\VID_???\VID_???\Device Parameters, where the ??? is the VID value we just found
  8. Edit FlipFlopWheel
  9. Change the value from 0 to 1
  10. Close all programs
  11. Reboot

This worked for me on a Windows 7 64 bit PC, using the Boot Camp 5.1.5769 AppleWirelessTrackpad64.exe driver.


Solution 2:

I've written a small c# app to change the registry settings for all devices. It enumerates every device and changes the 'FlipFlopWheel' setting to 1 or 0 depending on which button you press.

The full source is available on Github, the source code that actually does the flipping the registry setting (<100 lines) is here:

For those just wanting to 'get it done' here is the executable (asks for UAC elevation)

Solution 3:

WIndows BootCamp reverse scrolling

Solution 4:

I've recently switched from Parallels to Bootcamp for doing 3ds Max work. This issue drove me bananas! I finally found this fantastic utility, called Trackpad++. It not only solved the 'natural scrolling' issue, but also brought back things like three-finger drag, and other gestures. It really is the perfect solution (and no, I don't know the developer):