Don't want iBooks to always paste the "Excerpt From" of what I have copied

I read on iBooks, and some other resources and gather my notes in EverNote. When I copy a text from iBooks to keep it as a note in some other external application like EverNote, it keeps pasting the source info which is so annoying and I have to keep deleting them after every copy-paste. For example:

“To bind this class using Ninject, I specify the value of the constructor parameter using the WithConstructorArgument method in the AddBindings method, as shown in Listing 6-20.”

Excerpt From: Adam Freeman. “Pro ASP.NET MVC 5.” iBooks.

Here is a solution that requires no third-party software and lets you keep using the standard C shortcut to copy text in Books.

1. Create a Quick Action “Copy without Citation in Books”

  1. Open Automator and choose File > New (N).
  2. For the type of document, choose Quick Action. This will allow us to create a keyboard shortcut for it later.

    Choose Quick Action as the type of document in Automator

  3. Configure the workflow as follows:

    • Workflow settings

      • Workflow receives current [text] in [Books]
      • (Leave the other three settings at the default)
    • Add in the actions list:

      1. Copy to Clipboard

    contents of the Automator workflow

  4. Use S to save the Quick Action. Name it “Copy without Citation in Books”.

The “workflow receives current text in Books” setting in the workflow bypasses the clipboard-modifying behavior of Books. Thus, the workflow needs no extra action to strip the text added by Books.

2. Give the Quick Action a keyboard shortcut of C in Books

  1. Open System Preferences > Keyboard. View the Shortcuts tab and select App Shortcuts on the left.
  2. Click the + button to add a new App Shortcut.
  3. Fill in the sheet as follows:

    • Application: Books
    • Menu Title: Copy without Citation in Books
    • Keyboard Shortcut: C

    Adding an App Shortcut for “Copy without Citation in Books”

  4. Click Add. You will see the shortcut appear in the list:

    App Shortcuts: “Copy without Citation in Books” is mapped to ⌘C in Books

And you’re done. From now on, when you want to copy your selected text in Books, just press C and the exact text will be copied.

This blog post gives an example of how to do it using an Automator script with a keyboard shortcut.

In Automator, create a new Quick Action that receives no input. Give it these three actions:

  1. Get Contents of Clipboard
  2. Run Shell Script
  3. Copy to Clipboard

Put this in the Run Shell Script action:

# strip out iBooks citation
sed -E -e 's/^[ ]?[0-9]* //g' | sed -E -e 's/“[ ]?[0-9]?[ ]?//g' | sed -E -e 's/”$//g'  | sed -E -e 's/^(Excerpt From).*//g'

“Remove iBooks citation” service in Automator

After saving the service, you can assign a shortcut to this action, such as I, in System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Services. Then you hit that shortcut before you paste if you want to get rid of the text that iBooks added.