Copy to clipboard without Flash

I found many solutions for copying to the clipboard, but they all either with flash, or for websites side. I'm looking for method copy to clipboard automatically, without flash and for user side, it's for userscripts and of course cross-browser.

Solution 1:

Without flash, it's simply not possible in most browsers. The user's clipboard is a security-relevant resource since it could contain things like passwords or credit card numbers. Thus, browsers rightly don't allow Javascript access to it (some allow it with a warning shown that the user has confirm, or with signed Javascript code, but none of that is cross-browser).

Solution 2:

I had tryed the flash solution and I don't liked too. Too complex and too slow. What I did was to create a textarea, put the data into that and use the browser "CTRL + C" behavior.

The jQuery javascript part:

// catch the "ctrl" combination keydown
$.ctrl = function(key, callback, args) {
    $(document).keydown(function(e) {
        if(!args) args=[]; // IE barks when args is null
        if(e.keyCode == key && e.ctrlKey) {
            callback.apply(this, args);
            return false;

// put your data on the textarea and select all
var performCopy = function() {
    var textArea = $("#textArea1");

// bind CTRL + C
$.ctrl('C'.charCodeAt(0), performCopy);

The HTML part:
<textarea id="textArea1"></textarea>

Now, put what do you want to copy in 'PUT THE TEXT TO COPY HERE. CAN BE A FUNCTION.' area. Works fine for me me. You just have to make one CTRL+C combination. The only drawback is that you are going to have an ugly textarea displayed in you site. If you use the style="display:none" the copy solution will not work.

Solution 3:

clipboard.js has just been released to copy to clipboard without the need of Flash

See it in action here >