Minimum Font Size deprecated on ios version 6.0

minimumFontSize property of the UILabel is deprecated from iOS 6.0 onwards.

An Alternative to the minimumFontSize is minimumScaleFactor. If you assign minimumFontSize/defaultFontSize to minimumScaleFactor, it works in the same way as minimumFontSize.

The Code is as follows - For Example the font size is 30.0 and if you want the minimum font size to be 12.0

YOURLABEL.font= [UIFont fontWithName:@"FONT_NAME" size:30.0];
[YOURLABEL setMinimumScaleFactor:12.0/[UIFont labelFontSize]];

Use minimumScaleFactor instead... Link

Quick fix...Here minimum font size to be 8.0

            CGFloat size = textLabel.font.pointSize;// font size of label text
            [textLabel setMinimumScaleFactor:8.0/size];

I am answering very late, but might help any other. As every one knows that setMinimumFontSize has been deprecated, so other method replacing setMinimumFontSize is setAdjustFontToFitWidth which takes BOOL e.g

[yourLabel setAdjustsFontSizeToFitWidth:YES];
yourLabel.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = YES;