How to search through all the ajax responses in network tab in Chrome?

How to search through all the ajax responses in network tab in Chrome?

I want to do this is because it is difficult for a JavaScript developer to get to know which information is coming from which service call, especially if you are new to the project and business logic is not clear. Also, opening each service in a network tab and searching in responses of so many service calls is difficult and time consuming.

This has now been implemented on the Network tab. Whenever a search criteria is added, Chrome will offer searching through all headers and bodies.

See this image

More from offical doc,

Open the Network panel then press Command+F (Mac) or Control+F (Windows, Linux, Chrome OS) to open the new Network Search pane.

search network

This is similar to another question this morning to search json responses. The solution is the same, star this issue this issue. Starring is triggered via the star icon in the far left area of the blue title are just under search.

Starring issues let's the developers know what people need. The more stars something has, the more likely it is to get worked on sooner.

Currently this functionality is not provided and extensions are unable to add this type of functionality since the network panel isn't extensible in this way.

In Firefox you can save all the responses as a HAR file and then search through the file in a text editor (Chrome truncates the responses).

Inspector of Microsoft Edge browser offer such feature. Useful when you need to search through traffic made by an HTTPS web site that Fiddler cannot inspect (like Facebook web site).

There doesn't seem to be a way to do this in Chrome or Firefox. My solution has been to use Fiddler, which does support it.