Is there an upload API for Google Photos (

Solution 1:

By the looks of it Google Photos is based off the same system Google+ handled photos which was through the Picasa Web Albums Data API.

EDIT: So I came across this question while trying to develop something using Google Photos. Currently I am working on an application that will transfer stuff from Dropbox over to Google Photos.

I can confirm that Google Photos does indeed use Picasa Web Albums API. The API is simply a data storage for anything related to Photos. Drive and Google+ make use of the Data API to persist photos. Looking at you can see it redirects you to Google+ and shows a collection of all of your photo.

You can actually experiment by looking over the Protocol Guide You can further experiment by using the OAuth 2.0 Playground through the Picasa API.

Solution 2:

I figured it out using Fiddler against the Google Photos Uploader and toggling the resolution level back and forth.

If you use the mediaBackground upload, it has a parameter for "storage". If you set the parameter to "standard", it is unlimited quota. If you set it to "full", it is against your quota.

So the API Call for full-res quota photos is:


While the API call for standard-res (up to 16 megapixel) unlimited photos is:
