What is the colon operator in Ruby?

When I say { :bla => 1, :bloop => 2 }, what exactly does the : do? I read somewhere about how it's similar to a string, but somehow a symbol.

I'm not super-clear on the concept, could someone enlighten me?

:foo is a symbol named "foo". Symbols have the distinct feature that any two symbols named the same will be identical:

"foo".equal? "foo"  # false
:foo.equal? :foo    # true

This makes comparing two symbols really fast (since only a pointer comparison is involved, as opposed to comparing all the characters like you would in a string), plus you won't have a zillion copies of the same symbol floating about.

Also, unlike strings, symbols are immutable.

Just to demonstrate some of the things mentioned in the answers:

require 'benchmark'

n = 1_000_000

print '"foo".equal? "foo" -> ', ("foo".equal? "foo"), "\n"
print '"foo" == "foo"     -> ', ("foo" == "foo"    ), "\n"
print ':foo.equal? :foo   -> ', (:foo.equal? :foo  ), "\n"
print ':foo == :foo       -> ', (:foo == :foo      ), "\n"

Benchmark.bm(10) do |b|
  b.report('string')     { n.times { "foo".equal? "foo" }}
  b.report('str == str') { n.times { "foo" == "foo"     }}
  b.report('symbol')     { n.times { :foo.equal? :foo   }}
  b.report('sym == sym') { n.times { :foo == :foo       }}

Running it outputs:

"foo".equal? "foo" -> false
"foo" == "foo"     -> true
:foo.equal? :foo   -> true
:foo == :foo       -> true

So, comparing a string to a string using equal? fails because they're different objects, even if they are equal content. == compares the content, and the equivalent checks with symbols are much faster.

                 user     system      total        real
string       0.370000   0.000000   0.370000 (  0.371700)
str == str   0.330000   0.000000   0.330000 (  0.326368)
symbol       0.170000   0.000000   0.170000 (  0.174641)
sym == sym   0.180000   0.000000   0.180000 (  0.179374)

Both symbol tests are basically the same as far as speed. After 1,000,000 iterations there's only 0.004733 second difference, so I'd say it's a wash between which to use.

Symbols are a way to represent strings and names in ruby.

The main difference between symbols and strings is that symbols of the same name are initialized and exist in memory only once during a session of ruby.

They are useful when you need to use the same word to represent different things

There're some quotes from the famous book Agile Web Development with Rails, which may be helpful to understand the symbol as well :

Rails uses symbols to identify things. In particular, it uses them as keys when naming method parameters and looking things up in hashes.

redirect_to :action => "edit", :id => params[:id]

You can think of symbols as string literals that are magically made into constants. Alternatively, you can consider the colon to mean "the thing named", so :id is "the thing named id".