Puppet yum repo - Pull down 2.7.x vs 3.0.x

Use the yum-versionlock plugin to lock the package version to what you want:

yum install yum-versionlock

To continue:

If you have already installed puppet

Now edit /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/versionlock.list and specify the version you want:

puppet 2.7.19
puppet-server 2.7.19

Finally install it. Depending on your current situation, use only one of:

yum upgrade puppet
yum downgrade puppet
yum distro-sync

If you have not already installed puppet

Install a specific version of puppet:

yum install puppet-2.7.19
yum install puppet-server-2.7.19

Lock the package version to the currently installed version:

yum versionlock puppet
yum versionlock puppet-server