ssh access without password

I'd say the safest solution to this is to generate a password-less SSH-key for each machine and add it to the authorized_keys list on the other.

On machine 1 (as the user who's logging on to the other server):

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
$ cat .ssh/

If keygen asks you for a password, just press enter to create a password-less key.

On machine 2:

  1. Create or edit ~/.ssh/authorized_keys for the user that you're logging in with.
  2. Add the contents of (make sure it's the .pub file, not the private key) to the file. All of should fit on a single line.

When this is done you should be able to do this from machine 1:

$ ssh username@machine-2

and just be logged in without entering your password. Same goes for scp/sftp.

If this doesn't work, make sure that you have PubkeyAuthentication yes in your /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Keep in mind that this is a serious security risk, so you definitely want to do this in a restricted environment, running under a restricted shell or for chrooted accounts only. @Kimvais suggestion of scponly is on the right track.

In the client create a .ssh/id_rsa key with an empty passphrase -- this will create an unencrypted private key. Then copy the .ssh/ from the client into .ssh/authorized_keys in the server -- watch out for the right permissions! (0700 for .ssh, 0600 for .ssh/authorized_keys).

Now you can ssh/scp/sftp into the server without typing a passphrase.