Unexpected use of 'confirm' no-restricted-globals

I am writing code for the delete confirmation for the user, but when I run it up it shows this error enter image description here

This is my code for that

    onDelete = (id) => {
      if (confirm('You want to delette ?')) {

Can anyone explain it to me, Please? Although I have to add //eslint-disable-line but it does not work, my problem in here is when I add //eslint-disable-line beside if (confirm('You want to delette ?')) { like this

`if (confirm('You want to delette ?')) {//eslint-disable-line`

but when I save it, it show like this

if (confirm('You want to delette ?')) {

, it automatically down the line, so that the reason display error above, I do not know how to turn of the auto down line when I save

You have to use window.confirm() instead of just confirm().

You can change this part:

if (confirm('You want to delette ?')) {


if (window.confirm('You want to delette ?')) {

Just add window.