Delete everything after part of a string
For example, you could do:
String result = input.split("-")[0];
String result = input.substring(0, input.indexOf("-"));
(and add relevant error handling)
The apache commons StringUtils provide a substringBefore method
StringUtils.substringBefore("Stack Overflow - A place to ask stuff", " - ")
Kotlin Solution
Use the built-in Kotlin substringBefore
function (Documentation):
var string = "So much text - no - more"
string = string.substringBefore(" - ") // "So much text"
It also has an optional second param, which is the return value if the delimiter is not found. The default value is the original string
string.substringBefore(" - ", "fail") // "So much text"
string.substringBefore(" -- ", "fail") // "fail"
string.substringBefore(" -- ") // "So much text - no - more"
You can use this
String mysourcestring = "developer is - development";
String substring = mysourcestring.substring(0,mysourcestring.indexOf("-"));
it would be written "developer is -"