What do Ken and Ryu say when they do their special moves?

Solution 1:

The uppercut is known as the "Shoryuken", and that's what he says while executing it, while the kick is known as the "Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku" which he says while executing it, or the "Hurricane Kick" due to the tough pronunciation of the name.


Solution 2:

Ryu's hurricane kick is called a Tatsumaki. The full words is actually: "Tatsumaki Senpukyaku" Literal translation: "Tornado Whirlwind Leg"

His Dragon Uppercut is called Shoryuken

Solution 3:

The rising uppercut is called the "Shoryuken," and has remained the same since Street Fighter 2 (I'm actually surprised you know the word hadouken but not shoryuken, considering it's the most famous of the SF moves and even has a whole website named after it). I think it may list their names in the command list in the start menu of all the games since around Alpha. Anyway, it supposedly means rising dragon fist. The hurricane kick, or tornado whirlwind leg, is said as "Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku," but they say it so fast it sounds like gibberish.

Solution 4:

Ryu says "ha plak plak ploo plak" during the helicopter kick in SF2