How do I beat "...Not as I do"?

I simply can't figure this one out. It's hard enough without trying to get Vermilion across, but with him...? How do I do it? A room named "...Not as I Do". Three platforms rise up and down in a pit of spikes. Vermilion and Viridian are standing off to the side on the left.

This video shows you how to do it:

This level is annoying. Here's what you must do:

  • Get below the first platform while it's up.
  • Quickly flip onto the second.
  • Before Vermillion has a chance, quickly flip below the third platform.
  • As the platform is about to crush you, walk right onto the ledge.
  • Walk until you can flip up and down safely.
  • Now quickly tap up twice to make Vermillion move onto the next platform until he's safely reached his destination and reached the opposite edge of the level.
  • Now you must backtrack again through all three platforms to reach the starting point. You'll want to approach the platforms in the same way you did on your first trip. This'll end you on the leftmost edge, upside down, with Vermillion not following you. This'll give you some peace of mind as you prepare for the final step.
  • Walk onto the three platforms like Vermillion did, then join him and move along.

I took 264 deaths, the most in any room of the game, to do it. Vermillion follows the blue but he maintains a particular distance from the blue one. Hence, go to the right edge of floor and turn upside down, then jump to the left edge of 1st moving tile, such that the Vermillion don't leaves the floor. Then move to the right edge of the 1st moving tile, such that tile is exactly at its lowest position and Vermillion jumps on it. Now both, you and Vermillion, are standing on the same tile i.e. the 1st one. Now jump or rather fall on left edge of 2nd moving tile and timely move to its right edge so that Vermillion falls on the 2nd tile. Do the same to reach the third tile and the floor on right side of room.

This method is very easy to perform compared to the flip method which took my 231 lives and still didn't succeed.