Is there any way to get the original Fallout and Fallout 2 working on a Mac?

The question probably speaks for itself. I know that they're Windows-based games, so inherently a copy of Windows must be available. That precludes using DOSBox, but would any of the following solutions (or others) work?

  1. Boot Camp with Windows 7?
  2. VMWare with a Windows version of the appropriate vintage?
  3. WINE? (Is WINE even available for Mac?)
  4. Profit! (Oh, wait ... Um ... Fill in #4 for me?)

Details of the machine in question: MacBook 13", integrated 256M graphics, 4GB of RAM, 2GHz Intel Core Duo.

Solution 1:

I personally attempted this a while back. I ended up buying the actual Mac version of the game:

Solution 2:

As of November 2012, GOG started offering the games in Mac format. Both Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 were offered. This was probably be the best/most affordable way to get the games. Fallout Mac CDROMs on Amazon seem way much overpriced (due to their scarcity I assume).

Update 1/1/2014: Unfortunatelly GOG has removed all Fallout games from their catalog. As discussed on reddit this is probably due to Interplay's publishing rights on the franchise expiring. The games are now only available for download to those who have already purchased them. The games have also been removed from Steam and it is unclear whether/when a new distribution agreement will be made with Bethesda, who now holds the publishing rights.