Can’t play Vine/Instagram videos in Chrome

I had the same problem and was able to use Steve Wingfelder's workaround (numbers added for ease of reading)

Temporary Fix:

  1. Enter “Chrome://flags” in the address bar.
  2. Find an entry that says “Disable hardware-accelerated video decode.”
  3. Click “Enable”.
  4. Your videos should now play just fine

Your problem also could be related to plugins. Some found Gokul's suggestion to work:

  • Type chrome://plugins click on +details find the PepperFlash entry and click Disable.Use only Adobe plugin.
  • Check your extension causes the trouble.Disable them one by one and check.

Temporary Fix:

Enter “Chrome://flags” in the address bar. Find an entry that says “Disable hardware-accelerated video decode.” Click “Enable”. Your videos should now play just fine

It does work, however. your computer may run a LOT slower and become pretty hot while playing videos of high quality of even if you play a couple of them at the same time. I would limit viewing the videos of instagram and vine on your phone if I was you.