SDK Manager.exe doesn't work

Step #1: Open up a command prompt.

Step #2: Use the cd command to move to wherever you installed your Android SDK.

Step #3: Run tools\android.

If that does not work, you should have information dumped to the command prompt that will help you diagnose your setup problem.

I was getting the error "C:\Program is not recognized as an internal or external command" Followed by loads of "unable to copy file" Followed by something about Android_SWT not being able to be found.

The way I fixed the problem on my system (Windows 8, 64 bit, JDK 7) was:

  1. Create JAVA_HOME environment variable and point it to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_10\bin
  2. Open ANDROID SDK DIRECTORY\tools\android.bat in your favorite text editor
  3. Find the lines set java_exe= call lib\find_java.bat (it's split over 2 lines)
  4. Replace the lines with set java_exe="%JAVA_HOME%\java.exe"
  5. Save and run tools\android.bat

The problem was that the the space in the path was not being handled correctly. By wrapping the path in quotation marks, the space is then correctly catered for.

I had the same problem.

when i run \tools\android.bat, i got the exception: Exception in thread main

 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/android/sdkmanager/Main

My resolved method:

  1. edit \tools\android.bat
  2. find "%jar_path%;%swt_path%\swt.jar"
  3. modify to "%tools_dir%\%jar_path%;%tools_dir%\%swt_path%\swt.jar"
  4. save, and run SDK Manager.exe again

After a lot of searching and trying different methods, I found the solution to the problem at my end: SDK Manager couldn't find my profile directory. After setting the environment variable ANDROID_SDK_HOME (I set mine to a newly created folder C:\Android), SDK manager started no prob.