Relative URLs in AJAX requests

Solution 1:

(updated to make it more readable)

This is how relative paths is supposed to work.

Pretend that the current address is this:

Absolute: protocol://

If you specify only a new filename "foo", you get the same protocol, host and dirs, only the file name is changed:

Relative: foo

Absolute: protocol://

If you specify a whole path "/dir3/filename2" you get the same protocol and hostname but with another path:

Relative: /dir3/filename2

Absolute: protocol://

You can also specify host name "//" and get the same protocol but another host, dir and filename:

Relative: //

Absolute: protocol://

What might be confusing is that a webserver internally can add a / at the end of the url if the specified url points to a directory and not to a file.


If "somename" is a directory the webserver might translate it to (possible with a redirect)



As cameron said in a comment: For reference, see step 6 in section 4 of RFC 1808