What items can followers use in Diablo 3?

I was reading about the followers on D3 and saw this:

Each follower will be able to be equipped with two weapon slots, two ring slots, and also one of their own unique class-specific item.

Then I start wondering which class is each follower, and saw this:


The Templar is not a Paladin, he is a new type of righteous warrior in the Diablo universe with differing ethics and ideals.


Lyndon is primarily a ranger, comparable to the Diablo II Rogue. He has some other tricks as well, like blinding power.


She is neither a Sorceress or Wizard, but comes from a society called the Hand of the Prophet.

  • So, how this "unique class-specific item" works?
  • The Enchantress can't use a Mage wand? Neither the Templar can use a barbarian helmet? Or the Scoundrel a bow for Hunter ?

Solution 1:

Each follower has a specific list of equipment he or she is capable of equipping. You can see this list by going to the items page on the official site and clicking the follower's icon at the top; here are quick links:

  • Templar's items
  • Scoundrel's items
  • Enchantress' items

Regarding the special follower items, those are equipped in their own special slot and do not replace any other item. That slot is not immediately available, it is unlocked later in the game.