Winter — wintry; summer — summery; spring — ?; autumn — ?

wintry: characteristic of winter, esp. in feeling or looking very cold and bleak: "a wintry landscape".

summery: belonging to or characteristic of or occurring in summer; "summery weather";

What are the words that mean characteristic of spring and autumn, respectively? For example:

a springly landscape; an autumnly landscape

What about American English, where one uses fall instead of autumn?

Solution 1:

A great thing about English is its rich lexicon. These are the seasonal adjectives that come to mind:

  • hiemal/hibernal
  • vernal
  • estival
  • autumnal

Incidentally, two of the above also have verb forms: hibernate and estivate.

Solution 2:

We would probably say springlike or vernal (more technical) to refer to spring.

For autumn (fall) we would say autumnal or fall-like.

Solution 3:

Most common case is that people would just use the season name in the adjective sense, e.g. "spring flowers", "summer weather", "fall leaves".

If you do need a single word that evokes the meaning that it is characteristic of the season yet not of the season, then "spring-like" is your best bet. But in common usage, that meaning is established by context, as in "spring flowers in the winter."