How can I find out which user groups my domain user belongs to? [duplicate]

Running Windows 7 on my work PC, how can I check which groups I am a part of on the domain from my PC? I know how to check the local groups using MMC (Microsoft Management Console), just not the groups managed on the domain. I do not have remote access to our domain controller to check this, as we use a proprietary admin tool to access the server and licensing prevents additional installation.

Solution 1:

Open a command prompt.

Type: net user <userName> /domain

It will list both Local and Global groups that user belongs to.

If you want it to only list the groups, you can use Find to filter it:

net user <userName> /domain | find "Group"

This has worked in all (NT) version of Windows since at least NT 4.

On Vista/2008 and above, you can also use WhoAmI /Groups to get a verbose list of group memberships (including their UIDs, etc.) for the current user.