While in a remote desktop session in Windows 7, alt-tab to go back to the host machine

Use ctrl+alt+break to restore the Remote Desktop window, so it is no longer full screen.

Then use alt+tab to switch between applications on the local machine.

When you want to go back to the remote machine, alt+tab to it, and press ctrl+alt+break to restore it to full screen again.

On my system (using windows server 2012 R2), I use ctrl+alt+home to get to the remote desktop bar and then alt+tab to move around the windows on local machine.

Alt-Insert works in windowed mode, and is almost the same as Alt-Tab.

Alt-PgDown and Alt-PgUp are also useful.

Well the Solution is here - Under Remote connectivity terminal (mstsc),Navigate to third tab

"Local Resources" and Select the first dropdown - Keyboard - "On this computer" This is amazing one and make your work much easier and further can switch between host computer and remote comp (in full screen mode)

But could not navigate into remote machine so in case revert the previous settings of dropdown to old menu and use the shortcut to switch between full screen mode and normal mode of remote PC - Control + Alt + Break.

For me following scenario worked properly "Local Resources" and Select the first dropdown - Keyboard - "On this computer" Afterwords you should use Alt+PageUp instead of Alt+Tab