How to replace a single page in a pdf using another pdf in linux?

I want to find out the easiest way to replace a single page in a multiple page PDF with another single page PDF in Linux. What tool is best for this?

Currently I do it like this:

  1. split pdf to single pages using pdfsam
  2. replace the pages that I want to replace
  3. merge them using pdfsam
  4. use ghostscript to force the page size as same

Any better way?

You could use the PDF Toolkit PDFtk:


pdftk A=inA.pdf B=inB.pdf cat A1-12 B3 A14-end output out1.pdf

The output consists of the first 12 pages of inA.pdf, followed by page 3 of inB.pdf and then pages 14 until end of inA.pdf.

Many Linux distributions provide a PDFtk package you can download and install using their package manager.

You could also use qpdf which is open source:

Same example as the one in the other response:

qpdf --empty --pages inA.pdf 1-12 inB.pdf 3 inA.pdf 14-z -- out1.pdf

If you just wanted to replace the last page of a two-page pdf with another pdf (one-page), like me, but not trying to insert a page in between pages, it can be done like so:

sudo pdftk A=Doc1.pdf B=Doc2.pdf cat A1 B output DocEdited.pdf


  • This will replace the last page in Doc1 with the page from Doc2;
  • B is like B1-end; since Doc2 is a PDF of one page so B1 or B is the same;
  • cat A1: Taking the first page from A (or Doc1).