How do I be less on fire?

On a few occasions now, I've encountered enemies wielding a gun that shoots fire. Symptoms of being on fire include barbecuing to death. The speed of said barbecuing varies on whether or not you continue to be beset by the wielder of the mysterious flame-gouting weapon. When I have managed to escape, I remain aflame, and still die.

How do I put myself out? How do I be less on fire?

Solution 1:

You can't put it out. The only thing you can do is run to a supplystation and hope it heals you fast enough until the fire stops after some time automatically.

A medpack from a medic can also heal you enough to survive the fire.

If the enemy is using the BBQ Kit, you want to avoid small rooms, since they are really very strong in those. Out in the open, they are cannon fodder since the Support class wielding the BBQ Kit can't take a lot of Damage.