How do you design the channel work for magma forging to prevent magma crabs and building destroyers from interfering with production?

There was an event at the forge involving magma crabs. The dwarves were smelting hematite, gold and platinum and magma crabs tried to interfere. Two of them came out of the channel from the volcano and lucky for us the dwarves reacted quickly; by the time I noticed, there was only miasma and I dumped the corpses forthwith; the health screen reveals only some dogs require diagnosis...

enter image description here

This was built quickly early in the game so there are no floodgate or fortification in the channel. The tile with the yellow X is not dug (the tile is dug one Z-level below on that cursor; as you can see it's all channels). There are 9 workshops built on the channel. Building magma-safe floors all over the unused part of the channel before and after the shops, or even using floodgates and such, is insufficient...

That's because even though it's not clear whether magma crabs can crawl through the shop's exposed single tile (from within the 3x3) i.e. through the forges/smelters, building destroyers certainly can, including through floors and certainly workshops (but not an artifact door). Magma crabs are not building destroyers but there are other creatures. The complexity is compounded by the angle of attack so to speak and the fact this is magma. Following the "underneath" logic, I would have needed to have initially set up the forge so as to isolate the channel atop with a forbidden1 hatch from a connection below, yet since this is in magma the hatch has to be controlled by mechanism so you can't have manual access to set the property to "forbidden" (or rather have it open all by itself if you don't link it to a mechanism)?? I can't seem to connect the dots here... is it about removing ramps or something I'm missing (I have poor spatial sense).

The question is how do I prevent future attacks, if possible, and how do you design this in the first place so as to avoid them?

Solution 1:

All magma powered buildings contain impassable squares. If these cover the channeled tiles, it will block entry for the crabs. And prevent dwarfes from falling into magma.

If im not mistaken, the Forge for example has this pattern:


where ´W´ is walkable and ´X´ is blocked. Better check up on the Wiki though. If using this method, there must be no other path "into" the lava, so all channeled spaces need to be covered either by impassable squares or be "floored" from above(I see many such open spaces in your setup). A better way is to channel down a single tile, dig the pipe, let the miner tap the reservoid and get out, then cover the channeled tile with above method.

Also im not sure how this works out for eventual visits from magma-resistant building destroyers.

A failproof option is to separately carve out a section below the workshops and fill the area with a pump that is sourced from a reservoir. The tile where the pump inputs can be covered with a floorgrate which is undestructible from below.

Something like this:


Where Xis wall, .is floor and P is pump inputting from east. # is floorgrate over channeled tile connecting to natural reservoir. The setup should be safe for manual powering of the pump.

Of course, use magma safe components for pump and floorgrate. That means this requires steel or candy to be available. And it also means that a method of forging the pump components has to be available, which is a bit of a bummer when the original problem is setting up the smelters and forges earlygame. If you add a lever-linked floodgate in front of the pump, you can later close this to restrict the magma flow in order to reclaim the pump components, if steel is a rarity. While considerably more difficult to set up, this method is impenetrable to building destroyers since floor grates cannot be destroyed from below.


Here F is a floodgate linked to lever l.

Also, as a final reminder, I need to state that any usage of magma reservoirs without the possibility of draining said reservoir is a disaster waiting to happen. Always, before tapping a reservoid, build a floodgate and link it, so you can later interrupt the magma flow.