When is the right time to start use StarDust and training

Solution 1:

Like Samthere said, you can delay indefinitely, however id recommend keeping one Pokemon high to take gyms with. Don't power it up more than you have to but keep it high enough to get at least a few gyms. The extra star dust and coins you get should be worth the candies and stardust you spend to keep just one Pokemon high. I usually get rid of anything with a CP meter under 90%. It's probably good to set a goal like level 25, otherwise you probably will delay it indefinitely. Lastly, go ahead and evolve any Ratatas and Spearows (or other really common ones in your area) you can for the experience. Their evolved forms max out pretty low so they aren't really viable later, otherwise leveling will get really slow unless you are hatching eggs left and right.

Solution 2:

Personally, if you are starting out playing pokemon go, don't even use stardust until your level 15 or higher.. preferably 20. I can't even begin to explain how much candies and stardust I wasted raising the CP of one pokemon, just to find one in the wild CP300+ higher than the one I was boosting. I found that very frustrating, so I began hoarding stardust. I try to return from my adventures with at least 7 to 10,000 stardust. But another tip of advice for low level players is to save up to at least 50,000 stardust before using it.

Solution 3:

While it is definitely advisable to hold off on powering up your Pokemon early on, when to decide to use stardust is highly situational. There are several things to consider:

  • Does your Pokemon have high or perfect internal values (IVs) and desirable attacks?
  • Are you a high enough level where the Pokemon you are catching or hatching now are not keeping up?
  • Can you compete for gyms with the Pokemon you have?

If I were to ever acquire a desirable Pokemon with a desirable move set and perfect IVs, I'll eventually power it up as resources allow no matter what CP it starts off with.

Speaking for my own experience, I'm level 25 and I've started powering up the Pokemon I use to take and defend gyms... which are mainly Vaporeons (I have a small army of them). Most of them have high IVs and desirable moves (either Hydropump or Aqua Tail). I've stated to fall behind in level a little bit compared to opposing trainers, probably because I've yet to spend a single cent on the game, so all of my lucky eggs, lures, and incenses are from leveling up. So, I've been maxing out some nearly perfect Vaporeons to keep up with the level 28-30 trainers I sometimes see controlling gyms.

But keep in mind, this is simply for the situation I find myself in. If you're still finding Pokemon with high CP and you're keeping pace with the other players around you, there's probably no real reason to spend stardust quite yet. And if you're still at a low level, then you probably want to prioritize gaining trainer experience over increasing your Pokemon's strength so that you can continue to accumulate stardust for when you catch up and want to be competitive at your local gyms.

Solution 4:

It's best that you use your stardust at level 31 or 32 because by that time you will almost have 700k of stardust and enough rare pokemon candies. I am level 29 now and I have over 510k of stardust.