How do I install drivers for a Canon LBP-2900 printer?

For the printer, there is a script that should help you do this with little effort - my source is here.

You need to download the script from the Canon Website (you will need to extract this archive). Running the script from a terminal is easy: sudo ./ LBP2900

What did you do so far?

Setting up a LBP-Printer recently, I had to replug the USB after installing, and to restart ccpd.

Configure your printer in the browser: http://localhost:631/admin

Then, in a Shell, do:

sudo /etc/init.d/ccpd status 
sudo /etc/init.d/ccpd restart
sudo /etc/init.d/ccpd status 

For 11.10

I installed a Canon-LBP- printer on my sisters Ubuntu machine. It was a hard riddle, involving several downloads, unplugging and replugging the USB, and finally it printed, but refused to print after reboot.

There are two daemons to be started in /etc/init.d which were installed to automatically start, but sometimes, one of them, failed.

Do a

ps -c ccpd

to check, whether ccpd was started and is running, and if not

sudo /etc/init.d/ccpd restart

If it is running,

sudo /etc/init.d/ccpd status 

which should show two port numbers. Afaik, I had to restart ccpd

sudo /etc/init.d/ccpd restart

to bring the printer back. In /var/log/cups/error_log you could find more informations about errors. The first character means:

  • d debug
  • i information
  • w warning
  • e error

with increasing severity to the bottom. Maybe you have to activate logging and increase the loglevel (direction up) to get more information.

For 13.10

  1. Clean install the Ubuntu 13.10

  2. Download the drivers from the following link

    (Remember that there are many other scrips also from radu (other versions) and other writers, which I have tried but none of that worked for me on Ubuntu 13.10)

  3. Extract the files

  4. Follow the instruction in readme file or

    Open terminal, CD to the folder where files are extracted run the command

    $sudo ./ LBP2900

    (Replace the printer number of your printer LBPXXXX)

  5. Open System Settings -> Printer -> set “LBP2900” printer as Default

  6. Restart PC


  • Radu Cotescu for great Script
  • Unixmen