Should I upgrade to 14.04 LTS? [closed]

Solution 1:

Your question is about when to upgrade and understanding Ubuntu versions (Releases)

LTS releases are designed to be stable platforms that you can stick with for a long time. Ubuntu guarantees LTS releases will receive security updates and other bug fixes as well as hardware support improvements for five years. The current LTS release, Ubuntu 14.04, will be supported until April 2019.

In comparison, a regular release will only be supported for nine months. Considering new versions of Ubuntu are released every six months, you’ll have three months after a new version is released to upgrade to it or you won’t receive security patches anymore.

enter image description here

You’ll probably want to upgrade to every LTS version — new LTS versions are released every two years. If you stick with the LTS version, you’ll still get a new Ubuntu release every two years.

LTS versions are designed to be more polished, while the standard releases bring you the latest features that may not be completely finished yet.

When you use the latest release, you’ll end up upgrading every six to nine months. When you use the LTS version, you can upgrade every two years or even hold on for five years.

Thus, You should use Ubuntu LTS version for long-term-support latest version to meet latest features, (My advice is to use LTS to LTS version every two years!)

Hope this answer helpful to know about Ubuntu releases for new users(Welcome!) to Ubuntu.