Binding query param in LENGTH() condition doesn't work

The sql statement that is executed with:

rawQuery(query, new String[]{ Integer.toString(12) });


SELECT * FROM words WHERE LENGTH(word) <= '12';

and not:

SELECT * FROM words WHERE LENGTH(word) <= 12;

because rawQuery() treats all the passed parameters as strings and encloses all of them inside single quotes.
So the integer LENGTH(word) is compared to a string literal like 12 and this is where exists a feature of SQLite which states that:

An INTEGER or REAL value is less than any TEXT or BLOB value.

(from Datatypes In SQLite Version 3).
So all integers are considered less than the string literal '12'.

Of course this is not what you want and expect, so what you can do is force a conversion of '12' to the integer 12 and you can do it by adding 0 to it:

String query = "SELECT * FROM words WHERE LENGTH(word) <= ? + 0";

What this does is an implicit conversion of '12' to 12 because you apply to it a numeric operation.