How to search for string match in specific row of table in database in android

Solution 1:

What you are doing wrong is that you check if the Cursor object returned by rawQuery() is null.
rawQuery() returns a Cursor which may be empty (without any rows) but it can never be null.
You can check if there any rows in the Cursor by checking its moveToFirst() method.
Also never use concatenation of the parameters of the sql statement. It is not safe.
Use placeholders ? and the 2nd argument of rawQuery() to pass the parameters.
So change to this:

public Cursor finddata(String name, int ida, int guess){
    String sql = "SELECT NAME1 FROM Capital_Names " + 
        "WHERE ID = ? AND ? IN (NAME1, NAME2, NAME3, NAME4, NAME5)";
    return db.rawQuery(sql, new String[] {ida, name});

It seems in your code that you don't use the argument guess of finddata(), so you can remove it.
Also are you sure that you want to return only the column NAME1? You can replace it with "SELECT * FROM..." to return all the columns.

Solution 2:

public Cursor finddata(String name,int ida, int guess){
    String Query = "SELECT  NAME1 FROM Capital_Names 
                    WHERE ID = '" + ida + "'
                   NAME1='" +name+ "' OR NAME2='" +name+ "' OR NAME3='" +name+ "' OR 
                   NAME4='" +name+ "' OR NAME5='" +name+ "')"
return db.rawQuery(Query,null);

Try this on...