ip link set not assigning IP Address but ifup does

Solution 1:

ifup is a command that reads the /etc/network/interfaces (or other files depending on distro) brings the link up and correctly configures the interfaces as specified.

Running ip link only changes or shows the link status. It does not read the configuration file, it does not make any other changes.

As far as I can tell the only issue here is that you have an incorrect expectation of what should happen.

To put it differently. The ip command is the underlying command that does the raw configuration. The ifup command can/does the ip command to perform the actual configuration.

Solution 2:

ip link just manages the physical link layer. It has nothing to do with addresses.

To manage your addresses, use ip address. For instance:

ip addr add dev eth3
ip addr add 2001:db8:64ce:c633::2/64 dev eth3

And similarly for routes:

ip route add default via dev eth3
ip route add default via 2001:db8:64c3:c633::1 dev eth3

You will find, on close inspection, that these are the commands your distribution's networking scripts are using.