Certificate stops working after computer reboot

Solution 1:

I had this issue and just barely figured it out. After you install the certificate you can right click on it in the MMC snap in go to All Tasks, then Manage Private Keys. From there you can add whatever user you want to have access to the certificate key after the computer reboots.

Solution 2:

  1. Right-click the certificate in MMC console ->All Tasks-> Manage Private Keys.
  2. Add the needed users to access Now, Reboot the system and try it will work.

enter image description here

Solution 3:

I know this is old, but it's an issue that I have been fighting and have finally won. The above answer is correct, but it is not complete.

I read the answer as suggesting that all anyone needs to do is select a user from the list as supplied, like, in my case, SYSTEM, Administrators(ComputerName) and some weird selection like S-1-5-5-2 blah, blah. None of those worked.

What I finally discovered, though, is that I needed to add a valid user to the list and select that user. For me it worked using my own user name, but I also tried it with IUSR, and it worked with that also.

I spent many, many hours and lots of server reboots coming to this conclusion. I hope this helps prevent that for someone else.