How can I prevent Windows 8 from trying to format my external ext3-format hard disk? [duplicate]

How can I prevent Windows 8 from trying to format my external ext3-format hard disk?

Every time I connect my ext3-format hard disk for the guest virtual machine(ubuntu), Windows(host) shows the dialog that it is about to format my ext3-format disk.

ubuntu(guest) - virtual box - windows(host) - ext-format external disk

I'm afraid I may push the confirm button accidentally someday.

I do not want to see the dialog to format it.

Anyway, I'm using Windows 8.


  • I changed Windows into Windows 8
  • Sorry, everyone. I forgot to mention I'm using ext-format external disk for the virtual box guest machine. I forgot it since I had intended to ask this question inside my another question.

Solution 1:

You could simply try to create a very small (some megabytes) FAT32 partition on your external drive. Then Windows would be able to find one understandable partition and therefore the format dialog should not appear anymore as the disk is not "Empty" (from Windows perspective).

It may be necessary to create this partition as the first partition on the disk.

Solution 2:

Try installing the Ext driver for windows: