"Save as webpage, complete" problem?

From your question i understand the ultimate goal is to send all of your assets for your web page to your designer so they can edit the css, graphics etc.

Could you not just zip up all the assets and email it across to the web designer? If this is your web page then you should already have the assets no?

If you try and use save web page complete, it normally messes with the html code anyway so this would not be useful for your designer.

I had the same issue; if ajax is used in the page, you can't see the saved page properly. (For example, at first div's are hidden (display:none;) after page is loaded all the hidden divs get revealed.)

We need Final HTML code (Javascript functions executed and all data appearing on screen loaded from server)

I used Firebug's HTML tab to grab that Final HTML Code.

Copy the entire "html" branch and doctype declaration paste into a file. Then copy styles and images folders to the same folder.