Best branching strategy when doing continuous integration?

I find the topic really interesting since I heavily rely on branches on my daily job.

  • I remember Mark Shuttleworth proposing a model about keeping the main branch pristine while going beyond conventional CI. I posted about it here.
  • Since I'm familiar with Cruise Control, I also blogged about task branches and CI here. It's an step by step tutorial explaning how to do it with Plastic SCM.
  • Finally, I found some of the topics about CI (and potentially talking about branching) at Duvall's book on CI very interesting too.

Hope you find the links interesting.

The answer depends on the size of your team and quality of your source control and the ability to merge correctly complex change sets. For example in full branch source control like CVS or SVN merging can be difficult and you might be better off with the first model, while if using more complex system like IBM ClearCase and with a larger size of team you could be better of with the second model or a combination of the two.

I personally would separate the feature branch model, where each major feature is developed on a separate branch, with task sub-branches for each change done by individual developer. As features stabilize they get merged to trunk, which you keep reasonably stable and passing all regression tests at all times. As you near the end of your release cycle and all feature branches merge, you stabilize and branch of a release system branch on which you only do stability bug fixes and necessary backports, while the trunk is used for development of the next release and you again branch off for new feature branches. And so on.

This way trunk contains always the latest code, but you manage to keep it reasonably stable, creating stable labels (tags) on major changes and feature merges, the feature branches are fast paced development with continuous integration and individual task sub-branches can be often refreshed from the feature branch to keep everyone working on the same feature in sync, while simultaneously not affecting other teams working on different features.

At the same time you have through the history a set of release branches, where you can provide backports, support and bugfixes for your customers who for whatever reason stay on previous versions of your product or even just latest released version. As with the trunk, you do not setup continuous integration on the release branches, they are carefully integrated upon passing all regression tests and other release quality control.

If for some reason two features are co-dependent and need changes done by each other, you can consider to either develop both on the same feature branch or to require the features to regularly merge stable parts of the code to trunk and then refresh changes from trunk to exchange code between trunk branches. Or if you need to isolate those two features from others, you can create a common branch off which you branch those feature branches and which you can use to exchange code between the features.

The above model does not make much sense with teams under 50 developers and source control system without sparse branches and proper merging capability like CVS or SVN, which would just make this whole model a nightmare to setup, manage and integrate.

I personally find it much cleaner to have a stable trunk and do feature branching. That way, testers and the like get to stay on a single "version" and update from trunk to test any feature that is code complete.

Also if multiple developers are working on different features, they can all have their own separate branches, then merge to trunk when they're done and send a feature to be tested without the tester having to switch to multiple branches to test different features.

As an added bonus, there is some level of integration testing that comes automatically.