Dealing with accuracy problems in floating-point numbers

I was wondering if there is a way of overcoming an accuracy problem that seems to be the result of my machine's internal representation of floating-point numbers:

For the sake of clarity the problem is summarized as:

// str is "4.600";   atof( str ) is 4.5999999999999996  
double mw = atof( str )  

// The variables used in the columns calculation below are:   
//                    mw = 4.5999999999999996  
//                    p = 0.2  
//                    g = 0.2  
//                    h = 1 (integer)  

int columns = (int) ( ( mw - ( h * 11 * p ) ) / ( ( h * 11 * p ) + g ) ) + 1;

Prior to casting to an integer type the result of the columns calculation is 1.9999999999999996; so near yet so far from the desired result of 2.0.

Any suggestions most welcome.

Solution 1:

When you use floating point arithmetic strict equality is almost meaningless. You usually want to compare with a range of acceptable values.

Note that some values can not be represented exactly as floating point vlues.

See What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic and Comparing floating point numbers.

Solution 2:

There's no accurracy problem.

The result you got (1.9999999999999996) differed from the mathematical result (2) by a margin of 1E-16. That's quite accurate, considering your input "4.600".

You do have a rounding problem, of course. The default rounding in C++ is truncation; you want something similar to Kip's solution. Details depend on your exact domain, do you expect round(-x)== - round(x) ?

Solution 3:

If you haven't read it, the title of this paper is really correct. Please consider reading it, to learn more about the fundamentals of floating-point arithmetic on modern computers, some pitfalls, and explanations as to why they behave the way they do.