How to dynamically create controls within dynamically created controls

Here is an example for continuously adding buttons to the page. Every newly created button can also add another button to the page. This can be used with all types of Controls. Also you will have to recreate dynamic controls on every PostBack, otherwise they and their contents will be lost.

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //set the initial number of buttons
    int buttonCount = 1;

    //check if the viewstate with the buttoncount already exists (= postback)
    if (ViewState["buttonCount"] != null)
        //convert the viewstate back to an integer
        buttonCount = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["buttonCount"]);
        ViewState["buttonCount"] = buttonCount;

    //create the required number of buttons
    for (int i = 1; i <= buttonCount; i++)

private void createButton(int cnt)
    //create a new button control
    Button button = new Button();
    button.Text = "Add another Button (" + cnt + ")";

    //add the correct method to the button
    button.Click += DynamicButton_Click;

    //another control, in this case a literal
    Literal literal = new Literal();
    literal.Text = "<br>";

    //add the button and literal to the placeholder

protected void DynamicButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //get the current number of buttons
    int buttonCount = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["buttonCount"]) + 1;

    //create another button

    //set the new button count into the viewstate
    ViewState["buttonCount"] = buttonCount;


You can also delegate a Command to a button instead of a Click, and with this you can send a variable along with the button as a CommandArgument. You will have to change the creation of the button a bit.

//add the correct method to the button
button.Command += DynamicButton_Command;

//now you can also add an argument to the button
button.CommandArgument = "Create Hazard";

You will also need a different method to handle the button clicks.

protected void DynamicButton_Command(object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
    //get the current number of buttons
    int buttonCount = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["buttonCount"]) + 1;

    //create another button

    //set the new button count into the viewstate
    ViewState["buttonCount"] = buttonCount;

    //get the commandargument from the button
    string buttonArgument = e.CommandArgument.ToString();