message event listener not working properly

I currently have the following code:

const Discord = require('discord.js');
const client = new Discord.Client({
    partials: ['MESSAGE', 'CHANNEL', 'REACTION']
const db = require('quick.db')

client.on('message', async message => {
    const DmLogger = require('./MainServer/dmRecieving.js');
    DmLogger(client, message, Discord);
    const levels = require('./MainServer/levels/main.js');
    levels(client, message)

    if ( === configFile.LoggingChannel) return;
    if ( return;
    if (!message.guild) return;
    let prefix = db.get( + '.prefix') || '~'
    if (!message.content.startsWith(prefix)) return;
    let args = message.content
      .split(/ +/g);
    if (message.content.toLowerCase() == prefix + 'info') {
      const commandFile = require(`./Embeds/info.js`);
      return commandFile(client, message);
    if (message.content.toLowerCase() == prefix + 'help') {
      const commandFile = require(`./Embeds/help.js`);
      return commandFile(client, prefix, message);
    if (message.content.toLowerCase() == prefix + 'fonts') {
      const commandFile = require(`./Commands/font.js`);
      return commandFile(client, msg, args, prefix, message);
    if (message.content.toLowerCase().startsWith(prefix + 'setup')) {
      const commandFile = require(`./Commands/setup/main.js`);
      return commandFile(client, message, db);

Whenever I send a message that includes a command the event listener is firing however it is not detecting the message content.
This module has been working fine for the passed few months its just suddenly erroring after I reinstalled the discord.js module.

Solution 1:

In discord.js v13, it is necessary to specify an intent in new discord.Client(). Events other than the specified intent will not be received.

To receive the message event, you will need the GUILDS and GUILD_MESSAGES intents.

You mean...

const client = new Discord.Client({
    partials: ['MESSAGE', 'CHANNEL', 'REACTION'],
    intents: [Discord.Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS, Discord.Intents.FLAGS.GUILD_MESSAGES]

Or to receive all (including privileged intent) events...

const client = new Discord.Client({
    partials: ['MESSAGE', 'CHANNEL', 'REACTION'],
    intents: Object.keys(Discord.Intents.FLAGS)

Also, in discord.js v13, the message event has been deprecated, so it is recommended to replace it with messageCreate.

- client.on('message', async message => {
+ client.on('messageCreate', async message => {