Which Starcraft 2 hotkey set should I use?

I played a lot of beta SC2 games (as random) with the grid setup and managed. Since then I've started watching Day[9] and some other commentators who seem to refer often to the default hotkeys in their recommendations for, eg., keeping drones building at all times.

My question is: to what extent are hotkeys mere preference? If we took a random sampling of competitive players, would roughly 50% be using the grid layout, or would it skew for some relevant game-play reason?

Solution 1:

I would argue that if you're just starting out, grid hotkeys are more efficient since you can memorize either which key it is or where on the unit-card the button is located (visual cues tend to help memorization) - and if you don't know the hotkey, you can find it without mousing over the button.
Also, all the keys are on one side of the keyboard, meaning you won't have to move your hand as much.

That being said, the vast majority of players use the default keys either because
A) They don't know grid exists, or
B) They are already used to the default layout (grid was not an option in the beta), and/or were already used to the very similar layout of Starcraft 1; there really is no benefit to them learning a new layout if they already have the default hotkeys memorized. Most competitive players would fall into this category.

Solution 2:

Another point to consider in favor of grid hotkeys is that in many cases you don't have to learn a separate set of keys for each race. For instance:

  • Z-Q makes a base in any race.
  • Z-W makes a "Vespene Gas thing" in any race.
  • Z-E makes a Terran Supply Depot or a Protoss Pylon. (Of course, with Zerg you have to make an Overlord instead.)
  • Z is the normal build key in any race, and X is the advanced build key.

Using T to attack feels weird at first, but in a few days you get used to it.

Solution 3:

It's mostly just preference. You'll find that the standard set of hot keys is as efficient as the Grid. The majority of the hotkeys, are left aligned after all.

Day9 and most commentators probably use the standard grid hot keys because they started playing in the beta--before the grid was an available option. That and the fact that most Broodwar and Warcraft 3 players are used to the "Attack" and "Stop" hot keys being in the traditional spot. It would be pointless to switch or "retrain" on grid layout when the benefit is very little.