Is there a way to create a text field with a prefix that is always visible in flutter

I would like to create a text field with a prefix that is always visible. I am creating a phone field similar to the one used for WhatsApp phone number entry. I would like to have the country code as a persistent prefix.

I have tried the prefix and prefixText options for InputDecoration, however, the prefixes are only visible when the textField is in focus. Any help offered on how to achieve this will be highly appreciated.

UPDATE: WE CAN NOW OVERRIDE THE MINIMUM PADDING OF prefixIcon AND suffixIcon WITH prefixIconConstraints.

We can use prefixIcon instead of prefixText. Since prefixIcon accepts any widget, we can use prefixIcon: Text("$").

Here is an example:

   isDense: true,
   prefixIconConstraints: BoxConstraints(minWidth: 0, minHeight: 0),

This is the perfect solution that worked when I have to display the prefix always visible

prefixIcon: Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.all(15), child: Text('+91 ')),