How to unpivot multilabel dummies in pandas? [duplicate]

I have the following dataset:

data = {'Environment': ['0', '0', '0'],
        'Health': ['1', '0', '1'],
            'Labor': ['1', '1', '1'],

df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Environment', 'Health', 'Labor']) 

I want to create a new column df['Keyword'] whose value is a join of the column names with value > 0.

Expected Outcome:

data = {'Environment': ['0', '0', '0'],
            'Health': ['1', '0', '1'],
                'Labor': ['1', '1', '1'],
                     'Keyword': ['Health, Labor', 'Labor', 'Health, Labor']}
df_test = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Environment', 'Health', 'Labor', 'Keyword']) 
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Environment', 'Health', 'Labor']) 

How do I go about it?

Other version with .apply():

df['Keyword'] = df.apply(lambda x: ', '.join(b for a, b in zip(x, x.index) if a=='1'),axis=1)


  Environment Health Labor        Keyword
0           0      1     1  Health, Labor
1           0      0     1          Labor
2           0      1     1  Health, Labor

Another method with mask and stack then groupby to get your aggregation of items.

stack by default drops na values.

df['keyword'] = df.mask(


   Environment  Health  Labor          keyword
0            0       1      1  [Health, Labor]
1            0       0      1          [Labor]
2            0       1      1  [Health, Labor]

First problem in sample data values are strings, so if want compare for greater use:

df = df.astype(float).astype(int)


 df = df.replace({'0':0, '1':1})

And then use for matrix multiplication with columns names and separators, last remove it from right side:

df['Keyword'] = + ', ').str.rstrip(', ')
print (df)
   Environment  Health  Labor        Keyword
0            0       1      1  Health, Labor
1            0       0      1          Labor
2            0       1      1  Health, Labor

Or compare strings - e.g. not equal '0' or equal '1':

df['Keyword'] ='0').dot(df.columns + ', ').str.rstrip(', ')

df['Keyword'] = df.eq('1').dot(df.columns + ', ').str.rstrip(', ')