Is there a generic linked list functionality for any structure

First, you separate the domain data of each entry from the managing data.

typedef struct {
    char* name;
    int food_id;
    int price;
    int capacity;
    int hall_id;
    int day;
    int reserved;
    int profit;
} Food;

typedef struct {
    int id;
    int percentage;
    int capacity;
} Coupon;

Then you can use a union with pointers to the domain data in the entry's structure. Each entry will be of the same size.

typedef struct Entry {
    struct Entry* next;
    union {
        Food* food;
        Coupon* coupon;
    } data;
} Entry;

You could even place the domain data directly in the union, but this will waste memory if only small sized values are stored.

typedef struct Entry {
    struct Entry* next;
    union {
        Food food;
        Coupon coupon;
    } data;
} Entry;

Now you are able to add new entries of different data with a generic function.

void add_front(Entry* head, Entry* new_el) {
    while (head->next != NULL){
        head = head->next;
    head->next = new_el;
    new_el->next = NULL;

A possible trick is to use the fact that it is legal to convert a pointer to a struct to a pointer to its initial member, and that it is legal to convert from any pointer type to void * and back. So provided next is the first member, a number of functions could be independant of the actual class, if they take void * parameters for any struct for which the first element is a next pointer. Of course, auxiliary function able to handle a real object should be provided...

Here is an example code showing a possible implementation of add_before, add_after, list_remove (remove is defined in stdio.h) and display and showing an example of use with Coupon objects:

#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct Food {
    struct Food* next;
    char* name;
    int food_id;
    int price;
    int capacity;
    int hall_id;
    int day;
    int reserved;
    int profit;
} Food;

typedef struct Coupon {
    struct Coupon* next;
    int id;
    int percentage;
    int capacity;
} Coupon;

void* add_before(void* list, void* elem) {
    *(void **)elem = list;
    return elem;

void* add_after(void* list, void* elem) {
    if (NULL == list) return elem;
    void** last = list;
    while (*last != NULL) {
        last = *last;
    *last = elem;
    return list;

// eltdisplay is a pointer to a function able to display an element
void display(void* list, void (*eltdisplay)(void*, FILE *), FILE *out) {
    while (NULL != list) {
        eltdisplay(list, out);
        if (NULL != *(void **)list) {
            fprintf(out, " -> ");
        list = *(void **)list;
    fprintf(out, "\n");

void* list_remove(void* list, void* elem, int(*comp)(void* elt1, void* elt2)) {
    if (list == NULL) return NULL;
    void** cur = list, **old = NULL;
    while (cur != NULL) {
        if (0 == comp(cur, elem)) {
            if (old == NULL) return *cur;
            *old = *cur;
        old = cur;
        cur = *cur;
    return list;

int couponcomp(void* elt1, void* elt2) {
    return ((Coupon*)elt1)->id != ((Coupon*)elt2)->id;

void coupondisplay(void* elt, FILE *out) {
    Coupon* coupon = elt;
    fprintf(out, "%d", coupon->id);

int main() {
    Coupon data[3] = { {NULL, 1}, {NULL, 2}, {NULL, 3} };
    Coupon* list = NULL;
    for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(data) / sizeof(*data); i++) {
        list = addLast(list, data+i);
    display(list, coupondisplay, stdout);
    Coupon data2 = { NULL, 2 };
    list = list_remove(list, &data2, couponcomp);
    display(list, coupondisplay, stdout);
    return 0;

It compiles with no warning and displays as expected:

1 -> 2 -> 3
1 -> 3

You could use a macro :

From one of my personal project


//T must include ->prev and ->next member
  static inline T* name ## _add_after(T* source, T* item) { \
    T* last_next = source->next;                            \
    source->next = item;                                    \
    item->prev = source;                                    \
    item->next = last_next;                                 \
    last_next->prev = item;                                 \
    return source;                                          \
  }                                                         \
  static inline T* name ## _add_before(T* source, T* item) {\
    T* last_prev = source->prev;                            \
    source->prev = item;                                    \
    item->next = source;                                    \
    item->prev = last_prev;                                 \
    last_prev->next = item;                                 \
    return source;                                          \
  }                                                         \
  static inline T*  name ## _remove(T* item) {              \
    T* next = item->next;                                   \
    item->prev->next = item->next;                          \
    item->next->prev = item->prev;                          \
    return next == item ? NULL : next;                      \


typedef struct Food {
    Food* next;
    Food* prev;
    char* name;
    int food_id;
    int price;
    int capacity;
    int hall_id;
    int day;
    int reserved;
    int profit;
} Food;


list_Food_add_after(Food*, Food*);
list_Food_add_before(Food*, Food*);

I think the best way I ever found to do this in C (i.e., without templates) was:

  1. Make a SinglyLinkedNode class that just has SinglyLinkedNode *next
  2. Write your list functions based on this class -- every list is a list of SinglyLinkedNode
  3. Add SinglyLinkedNode node fields to Food and Coupon, and use that to link them together.
  4. Additionally provide functions or macros to get the containing Food or Coupon pointer from a SinglyLinkedNode pointer, like Coupon *couponFromNode(Node *p);

Note that I would never actually do this for singly-linked lists, because singly-linked list operations are so easy to write that you don't really need list methods. This technique starts to get useful for doubly-linked lists or more complex introspective containers.